- 作者: ブライアンカーニハン,ロブパイク,Brian Kernighan,Rob Pike,福崎俊博
- 出版社/メーカー: アスキー
- 発売日: 2000/11
- メディア: 単行本
- 購入: 58人 クリック: 1,152回
- この商品を含むブログ (203件) を見る
"プログラム作法"の第3章ではランダムな英文を作成するプログラムを題材にプログラムの設計と実装の方法が書いてある。面白そうだったのでPythonで実装してみることにした。なお本文中にはC, Java, C++, Awk, Perlで実装してある。
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import random import sys word_list = [] markov_dict = {} input_file = open(sys.argv[1],"r") for line in input_file: word_list += line.rstrip("\n").split(" ") for x in range(len(word_list)): try: tmp = word_list[x]+ " " +word_list[x+1] if tmp in markov_dict: markov_dict[tmp].append(word_list[x+2]) else: markov_dict[tmp] = [word_list[x+2]] del tmp except IndexError: pass output_word = random.choice([x for x in markov_dict.keys() if x[0].isupper()]).split(" ") tmp = random.choice(markov_dict[output_word[-2] + " " + output_word[-1]]) while (len(output_word) < 100): try: output_word.append(tmp) tmp = random.choice( markov_dict[output_word[-2] + " " + output_word[-1]]) if tmp == "EOF": break except (IndexError, TypeError, KeyError): pass out = "".join([x + " " for x in output_word]) print(out)
つまりLewis Carroll のような文章を出力する。
THAT!' 'Oh, don't talk about cats or dogs either, if you were or might have been changed in the shade: however, the moment he was gone, and the White Rabbit cried out, 'Silence in the air, I'm afraid, but you might like to have lessons to learn! No, I've made up my mind about it; if I'm Mabel, I'll stay down here! It'll be no chance of this, so she took courage, and went on eagerly. 'That's nothing to what I was going to do anything but sit with its arms folded, frowning like a star-fish,' thought Alice.